
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What Are You Waiting For?

Change is scary.  Growing up is scary.  Drifting apart is scary.  But scary things are part of life.  They will never go away and you just have to learn to accept them.

You just have to embrace what you have and embrace what life puts on your shoulders to carry.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements ofrhythm, melody, harmony, and color.

Saturday night I attended the Spring Fever tour for All Time Low, Pierce the Veil, You Me At Six, and Mayday Parade with my best friends.  This tour reminded me why music is such a big influence in my life.

Music is something that has never failed me.  When I thought everyone and everything else had walked out of my life, I still had the music.  

I will always have the music in me.  

Through my parents' divorce, high school, fighting, anxiety, and every other horrible aspect of this thing we call life music has never failed me.  When I felt so alone, music was there.

I'm at a point in my life where I honestly don't know what the hell is going on.  I sit through classes attending college for Premedicine and Biology.  I can't tell you the number of times I ask myself why.  WHY are you going to school for something you don't "Love".  I mean don't get me wrong I do love it, but to be honest it isn't my first love.  My first love will forever and always be music.  

I had always intended on going to school for music.  I can't really pinpoint why I wanted to do this other than the fact that it has and always will be what I absolutely love.  However as the high school years passed me by I let other people sway my decision.  I was told "Music won't give you a promising future".  I mean sure maybe that's true, but would I rather be so extremely happy with what I do in life or would I rather settle.  

Unfortunately at this point I have decided to settle.  WHY?  I couldn't tell you.  Maybe it's because I don't want to disappoint my parents.  Maybe it's because I won't make money in music.  Maybe it's because I just care too much what other people would think if I decided to waste my potential in their eyes.  

I know I should be doing what makes me happy.  Doing what in the end is best for me, but I guess I don't want to be a letdown.

Getting back to my original point, the Spring Fever tour reminded me why I love music.  Everything about it.  Whether I am behind the lens of a camera, or in the crowd (which I was for this tour) I love every little thing that comes with music and the industry.  

I am so fortunate to have found music and through music found my friends.  Who knows where I would be without music.  Honestly it scares me to think about it.  My life would be so incredibly different.  Maybe not bad, but SO different.  

So with that I might start doing what I love.  I need to learn that sometimes what is best for me will be judged.  Sometimes what I need will disappoint those I love.  So here it goes. I will start doing what I love.  I will keep the music pumping through my veins and keeping me alive.

I will let the music in me be heard.

Friday, May 3, 2013


People complain all the time about change.

"Insert band member's name here" has changed so much.  They aren't exactly who they were a year ago.

Have I done this absolutely!  Of course I have because I'm human and I don't like change just as much as the rest of you don't.  But it's part of life and we all just have to learn to adapt to it.

People change, the world changes, we ourselves change.  Just learn to go with it.

We can't stop the changes from happening, and if things didn't change the world would be a really uninteresting place.

So sure band members will change.  Sometimes for the better.  Sometimes for the worse (and let's face it this happens more often than we all would like).

But we have to accept people change and all because if you truly love someone change won't matter in the end.  In the end it should matter that inside they are still the person that you once loved and hopefully still do love.  In the end they are still who they used to be just adjusted a little to grow with their surroundings.

Take a step back and look at yourself.  I guarantee you aren't who you were a day, week, month, or year ago.  We evolve and that's what makes us all wonderful people in our growing surroundings.


Do you ever just wonder why people are so hypocritical?

For example saying that people are trying to be you and then turning around and trying to be someone else.

I guess it just irks me that people say one thing and then do the same thing they didn't like to begin with. In a way it almost makes me laugh honestly. Just let people do what they want to do. If they want to copy you let them. It's their life and if anyone will look dumb because of it it's going to be them.

That being said just enjoy being you. Don't feel you need to change to be like someone else or to be normal.