
Thursday, December 31, 2009 the song...of 2010!

2010?! How can it be already? This year has gone far to fast, but oh well. It has been an amazing year of getting to see amazing musicals, making amazing new friends, and meeting some amazing performers!

Speaking of amazing musicals, DREAM GIRLS is going to be at the Marcus Center in Milwaukee from January 5-10! I am super excited to see the has great reviews, and looks amazing.

I can't believe what an amazing, crazy year this has been though. Honestly I don't think I would be the person I am now if things that happened this year hadn't happened. Sure there are the things I wish would never have happened, but I got to experience so many amazing things.

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Monday, December 28, 2009


Don't forget that Dreamgirls will be in Milwaukee starting January 5th!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Dream Girls and the Holidays!

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy holidays and remind you guys that Dream Girls will be at the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts from January 5-10. Hope to see you all there!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

No Day But Today

To love another person is to see the face of God. -Les Miserables

Don't forget RENT opens at the Marcus Center this Tuesday the 24th, and goes until the 29th. Get your tickets before they are gone...this is a show you do not want to miss!

Singin' in the Rain has come to a close. As sad as I am that I will not get to be with my musical family everyday anymore, it should be nice to have some free time again. I love everyone from musical so much, and will miss all of the seniors!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

RENT opens on Tuesday! If you want to go buy tickets before it is to late...Hope to see everyone there.

CLOSING NIGHT! What a journey Singin' in the Rain has been :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

RENT- Will I?

I will! Going to RENT on November 24th...then the cast party afterwards! Can't wait, you can order tickets at to see you there!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Don't forget to buy tickets for RENT which will be at the Marcus Center next week from November 24-29. You can order tickets by calling the box office or by going to You can also add the Marcus-Center Street Team on Facebook, to promote the show! Hope to see everyone there next week!

On another note my show at the Schauer Arts Center went great this weekend! If you wish to come buy tickets at the Schauer Center in Hartford! That is all for now, Anna


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Make Em' Laugh!

Opening night went fantastic! I would have to agree with Taylor Trensch with the fact that I think that nothing went terribly wrong in the show last night because it must not have be Friday November 13, 1927. We have another show tonight, which should be equally amazing! The audience seemed really into the show too which made it all the better. I am getting more and more excited for RENT on November 24th. If you want tickets for RENT Visit

Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's the Bitch of Hell Week

Rehearsal was rough....extremely rough. We open on Friday and we should have been doing what we did tonight two weeks ago. The whole cast just wanted to scream at our director and our worst nightmare the choreograhper. I can only hope that things will come together by Thursday which is our final rehearsal and open to the public. Other than living at the Schauer Center life has been ok. Although if I didn't love performing and musical theater so much I don't know that I would do the show with out current director again. Yesterday I had an amazing dinner at Emily's house. The dessert was the best of all, Crepes with apples inside, ice cream and whipped cream on top, and carmel sauce, mint leaves, and blueberries on the side. Yum! I am getting more and more excited for RENT everyday although I miss each and every one of the Spring Awakening cast members more everyday that they are gone. I am confident that I will miss the RENT cast just as I miss the Spring Awakening cast when they leave Milwaukee too. Overall Hell Week is just beggining and I will continue to tell everyone how things go, and how the show turns out. I will blog some more later! Anna

Saturday, November 7, 2009

And Then There Were None the Countdown to Showtime!

Opening night is creeping up on us but hopefully we will be ready. I am getting so excited. I continue to promote RENT for the Marcus center and can't wait until they get here! It will be an amazing show to see, almost as great as Spring Awakening which I loved so much! The people in RENT are just as talented and fun to talk to as the Spring Awakening cast. Rehearsals continue for my musical Singin' in the Rain all week. We open Friday...the 13th. We will see how it goes. I will let everyone know here. Anyways that is all for now and if you want to see RENT make sure to call the Marcus Center and get your tickets before they are gone. Talk to everyone soon, Anna

Friday, November 6, 2009

Rehearsal and RENT...

Reahearsal tonight! Getting even more excited to open the show. Don't forget to go to the Marcus Center's website and check out RENT details and call and order your tickets!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Seasons of Love- RENT!

RENT will be at he Marcus Center from the 24-29! Be sure to go and see the amazing show, it is something you don't want to miss. The show features Adam Pascal, and Anthony Rapp from the original Broadway production. I hope to see everyone there!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Today starts the holiday season my favorite time of the year! Family, the smell of cinnemon, decorating the house, family dinners, and just coming home to the feeling of the holidays. I handed out candy to all of the neighbor kids and had a great time tonight. Overall a good day! ~Anna

Friday, October 30, 2009

Lost for Music

Today was ok, last night I went to see the Wisconsin State Honors Choir because my friends were in it. We made it there just in time for the start of the concertm, but finding the parking garage afterwards was a challenge. My friend and I ended up walking around the capitol building at least 3 times, and eventually after talking to people on the street someone directed us to the correct parking garage. Needless to say it was a great adventure but it was well worth it. Rehearsal tomorrow from nine to noon, we open soon!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I Don't Do Sadness

I woke up this morning and started to get exicited...only two weeks until I get to be onstage again! The jitters, the rush, the love of my stage family. You forget how much you really love all of it. This year Singin' in the Rain has been rather disappointing, we haven't bonded as a family. Sadly that is my favorite part of performing, the family that you form through the months of rehearsals. It has gotten better through the process of the show but somehow I wish we could become closer as a group. As the show comes closer I will keep you posted. For now that is all, keep music in your heart. Anna

I believe in music...

Honors choir concert...I get to go and see all of my friends in Madison. I wish them all good luck. I am also getting really excited to get to be on stage again as the musical I have been working on starts performances in November! If you want details visit my youtube page I will be putting up links to buy tickets to the shows. I will post again later...Anna